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Reimagined Hype

For My final project I have chosen experiment one, I expanded experiment one by adding another hype  video in addition to the first one. The second hype video has a very different feel compared to the first one and I am very to excited to share my own writing for the hype video within the audio of the project. I named my video "Reimagined Hype" because I feel that my hype videos have a new approach and outlook on what a hype video can look like(especially with my second video). There is no one way to do a hype video , and you can hype anything that you feel needs to be, and in this rare case I felt that skin tone should be hyped. In the most gentle way I decided to take the road less traveled and think outside the box to reflect on the many shades of African Americans and show them living their everyday life embracing their skin.The hashtag complexion , is a social media movement I have started as well, on Instagram some of my photos have the hashtag complexion just to make my own movement and embark on my own journey of loving my complexion.

Reimagined Hype

Reimagined Hype

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